Manish is a highly accomplished Chartered Accountant, ranking nationally in all levels of the Chartered
Accountancy examinations. He holds a degree in commerce from D G Vaishnav College.
Before forming M2K, Manish gained nearly 7 years of valuable experience at Deloitte Haskins & Sells,
specializing in Audit & Assurance Services. During his tenure there he had been involved in statutory
of various large entities from the planning till finalisation stage with an in-depth analysis of
standards and Auditing standards.
During his vast experience of 16 years, he has worked on several assignments relating to statutory audits,
IFRS Audits, Assistance in IPO, tax audits, Ind AS Transition, Due Diligence, GST/VAT Audits, Internal
audits, Internal Control over Financial Reporting, SOX frameworks, complex accounting assistance/advisory,
preparation of consolidated financial statements etc. The industries he has been exposed to includes
manufacturing, NBFC, engineering, trading, IT/ITES, Healthcare, Textile, Insurance, Sports bodies.
He has done a complete handholding of clients from preparation stage for IPO , leading upto the filing of
DRHP and RHP of large companies which included preparation of stub period financials, restated/proforma
financials and detailed project reports. Additionally, he has worked on due diligence engagements both
vendor due diligence as well as buy side due diligence or assisted managements in preparing for the same
He additionally specialises in creating business process narratives, standard operating procedures
Risk control matrices, and risk management policies.
You can reach him at